Brian weaves together how neuroscience, community, and our stories form the bonds of connection with those we choose to engage. During a portion of the conversation, he uses the Success Mapping framework to understand Ken's motivation for this podcast. He then introduces the 'blueberries' analogy, a metaphor for personal experiences, and explains how genuine curiosity about these experiences is critical to real connection and a path toward addressing loneliness.
#07 Steffanie Easter: Executive DoD Civilian, US Navy Engineer, & Leading With Questions
Steffanie recounts learning through asking questions while growing up and her early career as a US Navy civilian. She explains mentors' impact in shaping her inquisitive leadership style, what taking risks looks like, and how to lead with transparency. Additionally, Steffanie discusses navigating power structures as a minority woman decision-maker, how one can be an ally through effective leadership, and her current pursuit of improving as a listener and practicing self-care.