1. How have you experienced the benefits of privilege (race, socioeconomic, class, education, citizenship, birth order, etc.) and not looked out for those without privilege?
2. How do society’s stereotypes influence you?
3. What difference does it make that other people recognize your uniqueness if you don’t have equal access to political and economic resources? (Melissa V. Harris-Perry)
4. To whom does the body belong?
5. How does your position in society make you more or less likely to go to prison for an infraction?
6. I am (insert race) and have had X experience. How did X experience shape me as a result of being (insert race)? (Robin DiAngelo)
7. When did you discriminate against someone?
8. What was the moment you realized, because of your skin color, the rules are somehow different for you? (Joel Freeman)
9. How does it feel to be a problem? (W. E. B. Du Bois)
10. Those who are powerful must remember the litmus test God gives to the powerful: what is your treatment of the poor, hungry, and voiceless? (Desmond Tutu)
11. How is racism intertwined with your country’s identity?
12. Everybody has asked the question, and they learned to ask it early of the abolitionists, 'What shall we do with the Negro?' (Frederick Douglass)
13. When did you look the other way, and not defend those looking to you for help?
14. How can my unease about race, help reveal my unexamined assumptions? (Robin DiAngelo)
15. When were the “good old days,” and what were they like for minorities?
16. I should like to know if, taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle, you begin making exceptions to it, where will you stop? If one man says it does not mean a Negro, why not another say it does not mean some other man? (Abraham Lincoln)
17. How are you granted the “benefit of the doubt” in circumstances that others are not?
18. How do your “go-to” responses about prejudice exempt you from participation or responsibility in the problem?
19. How do I know I am actively seeking to interrupt racism in my daily interactions? (Robin DiAngelo)
20. Is ignorance bliss? (Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch)
21. What are current examples of the cry, “justice delayed is justice denied,” encountered today, and what examples have your friends experienced?
22. Are you listening to confirm what you already think or to discover something new? (Anthony De Mello)
23. Why, more than a century and a half after slavery ended, does the typical black family remain so much poorer than the typical white family? (Mark Whitehouse)
24. What offends you most about the topic of social justice?
25. If you had to choose to be another race, which would you choose, and why? (Jackie Sibblies Drury)
26. If the soul is more than the body, why is race a measure of worthiness?
27. How have you witnessed sanctioned violence against minorities?
28. How must society be held accountable to protect the most vulnerable?
29. How do black women protect themselves when it requires chastising black men, which they have been culturally conditioned to protect, and what does this dual protection look like, and is it attainable in a society that sanctions violence against black bodies? (Morgan Jenkins)
30. When did you learn the world is unjust/unfair? (Philippa Hughes)
31. Where am I today with my “white is normal” delusion? (Parker Palmer)
32. Might we instead understand the absence of a National Slavery Museum in the United States as a recognition of the ongoingness of the conditions of capture? (Christina Sharpe)
33. At this moment, am I choosing to be an antiracist or racist? (Ibram X Kendi)
34. How do we inspire the White community to own the whole of America's history and pursue equality?
35. How do you use your resources to realize racial justice?
36. How are you aware of White Body Supremacy working in your life?
37. What has happened in the last year that gives you hope for positive change?
38. Who does it benefit for me to believe it this way? (Xan West)
39. What are the historical housing covenants where you have lived, and how have they favored or hindered you?
40. What, then, is the word of the religion of Jesus to those who stand with their backs against the wall? (Howard Thurman)
41. How much more of your privilege do you want tied to the oppression of others before you decide to let it all go for all of our liberation? (Ijeoma Oluo)
42. Who are you superior to?
43. Who is gaining in power by this statement/decision? (Yuval Noah Harari)