1. Do you know I am “for you?”
2. How do I inspire you?
3. How do I scare you?
4. How has listening changed your relationships?
5. What were your relationship models?
6. How do you develop trust?
7. When was the first time in your life you felt things were not okay?
8. How do your partner/friends experience your care?
9. How do you know you are loved by those around you?
10. How would I know you are stressed?
11. What relationship do you regret letting end?
12. How does humor play a role in your relationships?
13. How do you express gratitude for those closest to you?
14. How have those closest to you changed for the better, in the last six months?
15. What are your "must-haves" in a relationship? (Helen Fisher)
16. What questions do you need to revisit?
17. What are you unwilling to feel? (Amanda Palmer)
18. When did those closest to you, no longer surprise you, and how can you reinvigorate the mystery?
19. Why is your best friend, your best friend? (Cal Fussman)
20. What are the sounds that make your beloved sing, dance, and cry?
21. How does your beloved move in such a way that you recognize them from afar?
22. Do you believe the best or worst of people you meet, and how does this affect your view of the world?
23. What does it mean for you to “live boldly,” and how can I help you?
24. When was the last time you were tempted to have an affair?
25. Do you have an emotional attachment to anyone else?
26. When are you proud of me?
27. What was your spiritual upbringing like as a kid? (Krista Tippett)
28. When do you feel powerful?
29. What is the most creative way you have expressed your affection for another?
30. When did you first recognize your parents as people, not just your parents?
31. What dream reoccurs?
32. What have you changed your mind about in the last year?
33. What fear have you worked to overcome?
34. What are the details of a time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
35. What is an embarrassing childhood memory?
36. In what part of your life are you a beginner right now? Chip Conley
37. What is a favorite tradition?
38. What is a favorite memory about a pet?
39. How did you spend your Summers as a youth?
40. What was important to your parents when you were growing up? What have you adopted/discarded?
41. How have your friends sacrificed for you?
42. How do you like to express creativity?
43. How are you currently expressing courage in your life?
44. What is your advice? (Senator Frank X. Kelly)
45. What is your encouragement to correction ratio?
46. What were the primary rules in your home as a child?
47. What place holds significant meaning to you?
48. What is a memorable public transportation story?
50. What prevents you from fully loving your partner?
51. How do we turn the power of suffering into new life? (Parker Palmer)
52. What blind spots does your dogma create?
53. What tempts you to fear?
54. When was your last great conversation with someone? (John O’Donohue)
55. Is it true? (Bryon Katie)
56. What is one practical step towards reconciliation?
57. What is one unresolved regret?
58. What is this part of your life called?
59. What makes you come alive? (Scott Shigeoka)
60. What do you want me to know? (Lynn Borton)
61. How can I be helpful, and what action would not be helpful? (Lynn Borton)