1. Do you know that I am “for you?”
2. What makes you feel strong? (Monica Ghali)
3. How are you taking risks? (Steffanie Easter)
4. What is important to you?
5. What are you finding difficult, and what is your current challenge? (Doug Darby)
6. What legacy are you seeking to create?
7. What friends have you surrounded yourself with that encourage you to your full potential?
8. How can you be of service to others?
9. What keeps you up at night? (Doug Darby)
10. Whose permission do you need to take the action you know is right?
11. What is the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else is either easier or unnecessary? (Gary Keller)
12. How do you persist? (Steffanie Easter)
13. When are you most naturally yourself?
14. When told, “I don’t know,” reply, “What might your answer be if you did know?”
15. What limiting beliefs is it time to discard?
16. What are you unwilling to feel? (Amanda Palmer)
17. When was the first time you felt things were not okay?
18. What does it mean for you to “live boldly?”
19. What does it take to do the impossible? (Steven Kotler)
20. How have you been complicit in creating the conditions you say you don’t want? (Jerry Colonna)
21. What has been the most influential event in your life? (Doug Darby)
22. What do you risk if you agree on a contested point with your enemy? What fear emerges?
23. What elements of your personality do others have to endure to get to your talent?
24. What would have to be true for the option under consideration to work out fantastically? (Roger Martin)
25. What would it look like if you had a “do-over”? (Eliza Huie)
26. How long are you going to wait before you demand the best of yourself? (Epicurus)
27. What fear troubles you today?
28. When did you practice fearlessness? (Angela Davis)
29. What is just one more possibility?
30. How can you inject another level of freedom into your routine?
31. Who else do you need to solve the problem?
32. How do you stay hungry (ambition) when you are full? (Noah Kagan)
33. Who do you need to distance yourself from?
34. What was the best mistake you’ve ever made, and how did it lead to something better? (Tim Ferriss)
35. What tempts you to fear?
36. How can subtraction be a solution?
37. What breaks your heart? (William (Bill) Reed)
38. How much do our habits help us or hinder us? (Cyan Bannister)