1. How must we create spaces to allow others to discover their motivation?
2. How do you respond to a pan-handler?
3. What is your initial response to someone living on the street?
4. What did you learn from your last conversation with someone experiencing homelessness?
5. What is your solution to address poverty?
6. What causes homelessness (moral failing, personal choice, etc.)?
7. What are the primary poverty drivers?
8. What is your response to the question, “Why don’t people just get off the couch and get a job?”
9. What is the impact of cutting all assistance to force people to get jobs?
10. How is mental health a contributor to poverty?
11. What is the role of government, faith-based institutions, and society in fighting poverty?
12. What is one thing you can do to ease the suffering of someone experiencing poverty?
13. How can a more respectful and dignified language be used to describe those experiencing poverty?