1. Is the purpose of capitalism to enable society or society to enable capitalism, and what is the expected effect? (Seth Godin)
2. What custom would you like to see regain popularity?
3. What will be a scarce commodity in 2120?
4. What will be a surprising unintended consequence of humans living longer?
5. What is the purpose of school? (Seth Godin)
6. What are the primary voices that influence you?
7. What will replace race as a discriminator in America?
8. When will artificial human eyes be mainstream?
9. How can all countries become “borderless”?
10. What change in the last 20 years brings you hope?
11. Is the Universe friendly? (Frederic William Henry Myers)
12. What would not surprise Leonardo da Vinci (died 1519) if he returned to life today?
13. What relational obstacle did you overcome in the past year?
14. What will trigger the next World War, and how could it be avoided?
15. How will this year matter in 100 years?
16. What made the “good old days” good?
17. When will drones become a nuisance to enjoying a sunset?
18. What problem grieves you?
19. What stereotype is completely wrong?
20. What combination of three things make you unique?
21. What food should be illegal?
22. What prompted your last belly laugh, and who was with you?
23. When were you last inspired?
24. What will eclipse Google?
25. What will not be a primary cause for war in 2120?
26. Why is your best friend your best friend? (Cal Fussman)
27. What important truth do very few people agree with you on? (Peter Thiel)
28. When were you last awestruck with Wonder?
29. What is the value of a human life?
30. Are we being good ancestors? (Robert MacFarlane)
31. Does a nation-state have a heart that can become supple enough to respond to suffering without violence? (Parker Palmer)
32. What did your parents let you get away with that you now regret getting away with?
33. What is one policy or idea your political party promotes you disagree with?
34. What was a question that stopped you in your tracks?
35. What form does remembering take in your family tradition?
36. How can we make education more engaging and effective?
37. How would the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrials impact world religions?
38. What conspiracy theory is true?
39. What fictional technology would you choose to exist in the real world?
40. What is the role of social relationships in pursuing virtue?
41. How do desire and attachment contribute to human suffering?
42. What industries or technologies will radically impact the future?
43. In what part of your life are you a beginner right now? Chip Conley
44. What is good?
45. What is a favorite tradition?
46. Is there anything more cruel than the denial of time? ( Pedro Martinez Montdvez)