1. How have you experienced the benefits of privilege (race, socioeconomic, class, education, citizenship, birth order, etc.) and not looked out for those without privilege?
2. What secret remains untold?
3. Who have you hurt?
4. Who have you betrayed?
5. Who do you think you are superior to?
6. What lie had consequences you didn't pay for?
7. What regret weighs heaviest on you?
8. How did you hurt your family?
9. How does your societal position make you more or less likely to go to prison for an infraction?
10. When did someone take the blame for you?
11. What have you stolen?
12. Who have you bullied?
13. When did you look the other way and not defend those looking to you for help?
14. When were you not proud of cutting corners?
15. When did you discriminate against someone?
16. What should you have been jailed for if you would have been caught?
17. Do you remember the moment you realized that because of the color of your skin, the rules are somehow different for you? (Joel Freeman)
18. What are your pockets of arrogance?
19. Is there any reason your name would appear on a sex offender registry?
20. Under what circumstances would you consider having an affair?
21. What is the significance of the land in Aboriginal cultures, and how does it differ from Western perspectives?
22. How did we get to this difficult place? (David Brooks)
23. What do you risk if you agree on a contested point with your enemy? What fear emerges?