My hero, Seth Godin, encourages the daily practice of writing. While I don't intend to achieve the daily tempo, this blog will be a primary communications platform to engage with people looking to encounter questions, and not blink.
Curated Questions is not intended to provide the answers, but rather provide thought-provoking questions. Sources understand the beauty of a well-structured question that leads to inquiry, fosters curiosity and leaves one wanting for follow-up questions.
Some questions are fun to banter around the possibilities, some are targeted for precise circumstances, and others will feel like a throat-punch. In the age of the Google oracle, our expectation is the correct answer on the first page of search results, within milliseconds. Many questions will require time and reflection, and others will have solutions that change through the seasons of life.
The blog was born from a conversation with a friend that challenged my hypocrisy of just asking questions and not engaging in the heavy lifting and reaping the rewards of discovering my answers. She is the kind of friend I so appreciate. So, if you happen to bump into Phillipa Hughes in your travels, give her a shout-out for being a fantastic friend.
I aspire for each post to inspire you to thoughtfully engage with the question and perhaps, along the way, we will get to share our stories.
My intention is for Curated Questions to source questions from across any barriers we humans tend to establish; race, socio-economic, political, gender, generational, historical, and any others you encounter. Please add your voice to the community; we will be better as a result.
Ken Woodward
#CuratedQuestions #YouveBeenCurated